How to Go Long Term in Your Career

Have you ever been asked this popular interview question, “where do you see yourself in 5 years”? While this may seem like a question to impress the interviewer with a carefully laid out career path (to the extent of painting yourself all white), this is actually a type of psychological endurance test.

It’s easy to find a job but to land the best career that would fit your character is not a walk in the park. You might have taken inspiration from a book or attended sessions with a self development coach and still end up feeling lost and frustrated.

Although personality tests and career guidance is a huge help in trimming down your choices, ultimately, it’s your personal call. Your gut instinct about what you really want. If you are undecided or find it difficult to know what you really want, here are 3 ways to help you introspect and go long term with your choice.

Begin with Yourself.

What are your values? Your interests? Your natural talents?? Writing down these qualities on a journal would increase your self-awareness and help you draw a tree of careers that will stem out from each trait. Even better, use one of the diagnostics, like the Signature Strengths Test or the evolutesix Who is on Board test. These give you a clear way of recognising and talking about your natural talents.

For example, you have a keen eye for detail. You can already branch out from there. Are you logical-mathematical? A verbal-linguistic? If you are the former - you can start as a financial associate, and work your way up as a  Chief Financial Officer someday. If your niche is with words – you can either go for public speaking or become the author of the next best-seller.

The possibilities are endless, you just have to identify what activities motivate you, give you energy; then decide which string to pull so that you spend most of your day doing those activities, and commit yourself to that craft. Keep in mind that the same skill (for example, finance) can mean very different activities. One person may  be motivated by analysing numbers, whilst another will be demotivated by analysing numbers; but highly motivated by understanding those numbers and finding the best business options for future strategy.

Avoid inserting the salary scale in the picture.  It will only muddle your vision and base your worth on the monetary compensation. Remember, you should aim for a career that does not only feed your bank account but should also fulfill you as a person.

Consider the Work Environment.

Are you the type who works best with teams or would prefer solitary work assignments? Do you like to move around or are you more comfortable staying in one place? You might have already found that career that fits you but if you’re not happy with the environment and its culture, then you’ll end up regretting getting the job in the long run. Worse, you’ll end up resigning from the “best job” because of an officemate.

Before affiliating yourself with any company, it’s best that you do a background check first. Does this company have the same values you have? Does it have the room or place for personalities like yours? Widen your prospects – the longer the list, the better your chances of choosing the right firm for you.

Be Positive and be Patient.

Yes, you got hired and you love the job. The working environment is awesome too. Come one year later and something unfavourable happens.

Finding a job takes time, keeping one requires patience. It’s true that you cannot really tell if a profession is perfect for you unless you have been with a company for a year or more. This is on top of the peer conflicts, management strife and a lot of other struggles in between.

It’s also true that something good and worthy happens to those who endure. You only have to see each trial as a lesson that will make you a better person. Avoid making permanent decisions out of frustration which is usually just a temporary thing.

However, if you are troubled for quite some time already, you can always visit a professional development coach, or join a peer to peer development training focused on your best career that will aid you in finding out your natural talents. And then finding out why are doing things that block you from getting your ideal career. Then you can transform yourself and be at your best at work. Proving to anyone, including yourself, that you are more than just an employee–you are an asset.


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