Helping the Self Before Helping Society

Is it not for the betterment of the whole of human society if we are fully aware of ourselves? Our shortcomings? Our capabilities? By investing in everyone's well-being, we can elevate everyone's current state.

Social development is about improving others around us. It strives to help every member of society make use of their full potential. The shortcomings that society has due to not being able to break its barriers has made social development coaching a growing need for all of us.

The poor don't always have to be poor. People don't have to discriminate. Crimes don't have to be committed, and wars don't have to be wage. We help the earth by helping the people who live in it. But to be able to help others, should we not learn how to help ourselves first?

We must first be able to observe ourselves before we can point out our observations on other people.

We know that by watching patterns in our lives, we can begin to understand how these work within us and beyond us. Being innately aware of our characteristics allows us to figure out the reasoning behind them.

Whatever traits we discover about ourselves, we have do not need to immediately judge them as bad or good. They are simply factors we take into consideration as we continue on the journey to self-actualisation.

And once we have gain the tools to view things and improve ourselves with a more enlightened perspective, we can finally begin to work effectively with others around us. For us to be able to develop our fellow members of society, we must first focus on our own selves, be it through a self development coach or with peer coaching.
Change starts within ourselves.


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