Truth Slap: You’re Not Growing Because You’re Scared of Growth

Change is good. It is an indication of evolution which is also an indication of growth. In order to grow, a person must go through change. Continuous growth then means having to constantly change.

But why is it that when we attempt to change ourselves, or an aspect of our life, we often end up having second thoughts. In fact, most of us fear change. What is it about change that keeps us from fully jumping to it?

The Fear Towards The Unfamiliar

A person’s fear of change is actually a part of the human survival instinct. To go through change means having to go through or try things that are unfamiliar to us. But humans have an innate tendency to dislike the unfamiliar since we often associate the unknown as potentially dangerous.

We’re scared of driving to unfamiliar places because there might be danger lurking out there. We avoid quiet places because there might be muggers waiting for a prey. We keep in mind all escape routes in every place we go to because we fear we get trapped in it in case a disaster happens.

We’re so used to the things we already know that we often do away with the unknown for fear that it might bring something unfavorable. This fear, although it keeps us safe, often hampers us from moving forward towards fulfilling our potentials.

Working With The Right People

There have been many methods and practices developed to help humans overcome our dislike for change. Social development coaching, for example was developed for people to achieve social growth by making each person become a better member of any organization by helping them understand their strengths and weaknesses and enable them to achieve their collective goals through it.

Self-development coaches work toward the same goal. To help individuals overcome their fear of change. Each self development coach enables the person to grow and become familiar with their own potentials and teach them the key steps to reaching their goals through it.

When a person understands themselves enough, she’s better able to confront the unknown. And when a person is not afraid of the unknown, the faster they get to change and grow. After all, growth is not always about immediately jumping from one point to another. It’s more about getting over the fear of taking the jump in the first place.


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