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The Real Reason Why You’re Losing More by Forgetting About Your Employees

Money is an important part of business development. Let’s face it. If you’re an owner of a start-up business, you’d want to make sure you have enough money to keep your business going for the months and years to come. After all, proper management of finances is a significant factor towards successful business development. But what most entrepreneurs forget is that money is not everything. Proper management and allocation of finances may be significant, but it’s not everything. In fact, focusing on nothing but your finances can be detrimental for your business. The Truth You Need to Know About “Everyone and everything is paid on time, and so I expect nothing but the best from my staff and all my investments.  How is concentrating on my finances dangerous?” Well, aside from paying them their salary, what else do you do to ensure that all stakeholders in your organization are happy and well-engaged in their jobs? Did you know that more than 80% of the global working populat

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